
Where Our Optics Are Used

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV)

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV)

Advancements in technology have enabled scientists to create detailed maps of planets light years away, surpassing the resolution of most of Earth's seafloor. Constrained by the limitations of low-bandwidth underwater communication, conventional sona...

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Medical Instruments

Medical Instruments

Fiber optics, commonly associated with internet and cable TV, have extensive applications in medicine. Their small size, resistance to electromagnetic interference, high durability, and non-toxic properties make them vital tools. They are prominently...

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Optical Sensors

Optical Sensors

Optical sensors are devices that use light or electromagnetic radiation to detect and measure certain properties of their surroundings. These sensors utilize the interaction between light and the target material to gather information and convert it i...

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Optical lenses are fundamental components used in scopes, such as telescopes, microscopes, cameras, and various imaging devices. These lenses play a crucial role in manipulating and focusing light to create clear and magnified images of distant or sm...

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Analytical Instruments

Analytical Instruments

Optical lenses play a significant role in analytical instruments, where they are used to manipulate and focus light to facilitate the analysis of various materials and samples. These lenses help in collecting, magnifying, and directing light or other...

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